Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thoughts on the Secret

The secret, like any new endeavor such as a fitness lifestyle, is not done in a day, weeks, or years...its a complete change in your mental lifestyle, it’s a constant state of well-being and feeling good.  Just like in fitness lifestyle to where if a person is wanting to  lose 50lbs of fat or gain 15 lbs of muscle there has to be some significant changes in habits and practices to get those results. A person cannot have a poor nutritious diet or occasionally go to the gym to merit the results. They have to be dedicated to the necessary practices that it takes to acquire those results. Is it really any different in training the mind to be in a constant state of gratitude and focus upon the things we wish to materialize? You have to train the body to the right frequency in eating and training for those results so why not in the mind as well? Sadly, in this world we live in, it seems at times we have to look for positives or constantly seek out positives in order not to be influenced by all the negatives. So thus in the mind, it has to be trained to the right frequency. This is a challenge because now you have to decide on what you will devote your time, thoughts, and energy too and what type of influences are you are going to allow into your life.  Are your influences conducive to your vibration?  It involves surrounding your life and thinking with concepts of feeling good, good thoughts, and a decision to be happy. It involves what type of mental environment you allow your mind to be in. If it is cluttered with all the influences of modern media and entertainment then your mind will have mixed influences and direction upon the path you wish to take it. It involves attracting good like minded people into your life that feel the same and weeding out those that are not conducive to your desired results. Its all a constant process, a lifestyle that can and will bring about the desired results if you let it.

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