Saturday, April 2, 2011

Just for today

"Just for today I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

Just for today I will be happy. This assumes to be true what Abraham Lincoln said, that "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires, I will take my "luck" as it comes, and fit myself to it.

Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind. I will study. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.

Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways: I will do somebody a good turn, and not get found out; if anybody knows of it, it will not count. I will do a least two things I don't want to do--just for exercise. I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt; they may be hurt, but today I will not show it.

Just for today I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, keep my voice low, be courteous, criticize not one bit. I won't find fault with anything, nor try to improve or regulate anybody but myself.

Just for today I will have a program. I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.

Just for today I will have a quiet half hour all by myself, and relax. During this half hour, sometime, I will try to get a better perspective of my life.

Just for today I will be unafraid. Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful, and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me. "-Anonymous

Monday, March 7, 2011

I am a champion!

Today gentleman, I am honored to coach you, and I am more honored to take you onto the field of battle.  There is another honor to be bestowed upon you.  That is the answer that comes with that question.  Who Am I? I AM A CHAMPION!!!

That’s right and I need you to remember that all throughout this game.

I will conquer what has never been conquered. Defeat will not be in my creed. I will believe where all those before me have doubted. I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor and respect of my team. I have trained my mind and now my body will follow!

WHO AM I? ….

I will acknowledge the fact that I am an elite warrior who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by any means at my disposal. I accept the fact that my team expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than our opponents. Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be. One hundred percent and more.

WHO AM I? ….

Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained warrior. My heart and my soul will be the fuel to carry my body when my limbs are to weary. I will never falter, I will never lose focus as long as there is hope in my mind and my heart still beats. I will never give in to the evil that is weakness and I will fight that evil with my dying breath.

WHO AM I? ….

Energetically will I meet my enemies, no one will challenge me, none will stop me from my goal. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Champion’s word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall at the hands of my enemy and under no circumstances will I ever surrender.

WHO AM I? ….

Readily will I display the discipline and strength required to fight on to my objective and I will complete my mission. I will rise when I fallen. I will rip the heart from my enemy and leave it beating on the ground. My enemy need not fear me but he will respect me and if he does not. I will make him respect me with all that I have to give.

WHO AM I? ….

History will remember my name and he will not have to be kind. For I will have denied his criticisms and put in my own praise, No one will define me, no one will tell me what I can achieve, none will say I have not given all I have to give and none will take my glory.

WHO AM I? ….

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


“Have vision for where you want to be. Have a goal. Have a long term focus. When the short term obstacles, hurdles, and stumbling stones come along remember they are short term. They in no way can stop you from what you want but only shift your direction at times. Don’t consent defeat to the self imposed walls you might have built around you. Remember, all your limitations are self imposed. Nothing can stop you from your long term focus…...if you’ll have that focus and determination it can all be yours.”

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I will not die and unlived life.

“We all have islands of fear inside us, but we also all have continents of wisdom and truth. How do we find our way to them when we are not educated in the interior dimension? These inner landscapes hold the patterns of our passion and purpose. Without knowing how to journey there, our lives remain unlived.”-Dawna Markova

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thoughts on the Secret

The secret, like any new endeavor such as a fitness lifestyle, is not done in a day, weeks, or years...its a complete change in your mental lifestyle, it’s a constant state of well-being and feeling good.  Just like in fitness lifestyle to where if a person is wanting to  lose 50lbs of fat or gain 15 lbs of muscle there has to be some significant changes in habits and practices to get those results. A person cannot have a poor nutritious diet or occasionally go to the gym to merit the results. They have to be dedicated to the necessary practices that it takes to acquire those results. Is it really any different in training the mind to be in a constant state of gratitude and focus upon the things we wish to materialize? You have to train the body to the right frequency in eating and training for those results so why not in the mind as well? Sadly, in this world we live in, it seems at times we have to look for positives or constantly seek out positives in order not to be influenced by all the negatives. So thus in the mind, it has to be trained to the right frequency. This is a challenge because now you have to decide on what you will devote your time, thoughts, and energy too and what type of influences are you are going to allow into your life.  Are your influences conducive to your vibration?  It involves surrounding your life and thinking with concepts of feeling good, good thoughts, and a decision to be happy. It involves what type of mental environment you allow your mind to be in. If it is cluttered with all the influences of modern media and entertainment then your mind will have mixed influences and direction upon the path you wish to take it. It involves attracting good like minded people into your life that feel the same and weeding out those that are not conducive to your desired results. Its all a constant process, a lifestyle that can and will bring about the desired results if you let it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Take it. Its yours!

“It is not by fate, nor by destiny, nor by someone’s “plan” for you that determines your life direction. It is by your thoughts, your will, your drive, your actions, and your desire alone to set your life in the direction you wish to go. Go after it and it will be yours.”-Timothy R Wheeler

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The mixed result.

I know there are many critics out there that may make mention of how such thoughts, quotes, or ideas are wild or silly. Obviously they don’t think in the same wavelength nor grasp a very crucial understanding of life. They see the immediate physical reality before them, they see material possessions, their jobs, their income, their possessions, and maybe even a person on Sunday that does their spiritual thinking for them, they watch the television and the mind controlling media/entertainment business that has this world wrapped around the thoughts and ideas that only keep people distracted from their true potential. All people are capable of focusing on what they set to achieve, but the distractive influences allow that focus to be scattered…or mixed. The end result is that our results are mixed or scattered.